phone +39 049 872 91 83  |  Lunedì – Venerdì: 9.00 - 13.00  14.00 - 18.00  |     


From the Selfie ... To Plastic Surgery

The rampant fashion of selfies is generating an increase in the demand for aesthetic interventions by very young people, who come to the cosmetic surgeon with their self-touching selfie and ask to become what they look like on social media.

The phenomenon, known as social dysmorphophobia, or distorted vision of the body image, concerns in particular the age group between 18 and 29 years, with an increasing demand for fillers and botox, but also requests from minors they are constantly growing.

And if the girls are the majority, with a percentage of 85.6%, according to the most well-known Italian and American trade associations, the requests from boys are also on the rise.

In short, the Freeze-Face generation, as it was renamed in the United States, seems to be the generation that will grow without aging, to the slogan of "better prevention than cure".

The dangers are obviously around the corner and range from choosing the surgeon on Istagram, to entering the low-cost market, perhaps abroad, with poorly preserved or low-quality products and unprepared medical centers that do not meet the necessary requirements of infertility.

We must always remember to resort to the operating theater only if it is necessary, even when young, and only if there is a real problem, always relying on the advice of an experienced professional and an adequate structure.


Dr. Clemente Zorzetto

Dr. Clemente Zorzetto
Chirurgia estetica a Padova

Padova – via Cernaia, 12/A
Londra - Milano - Roma - Bologna 

Sunday – Friday
9.00 AM - 1.00 PM  | 2.00 PM - 6.00 PM

+39 049 872 91 83
+39 347 7734342


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